Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute for Non-Destructive Testing


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Training seminar on the accreditation questions of Personnel Certification Bodies.

The National Accreditation Agency of Ukraine (NAAU) 14-15 October 2009 was held a training seminar on the accreditation questions of Personnel Certification Bodies. The seminar was held as a part of Twinning Project UA06/PCA/TR/07, which aims to promote NAAU to join the EA. The seminar was led by leading specialists of the consortium of European accreditation bodies NEN, SWEDAC, RvS, MNi gentlemen Marcel Broekhoven and Harry Gundlach. The features of PCB accreditation of the various activities, including the sphere of non-destructive testing, the interaction of members of the audit team, the requirements to the qualification of auditors and technical experts and the order in which they bring to work, the questions of the prevention and avoidance of conflict of interest in the PCB accreditation process, and other issues were come under review during the training seminar. On the job of the training seminar besides NAAU staff took part the director of the PCB Ukrainian Association for Quality Abramova E.V. and the deputy head of the PCB "UkrSRINDT" Radko Vitaliy. The seminar was held in the business-like and creative atmosphere, seminar attendees exchanged views on issues of their interest and received expert advices form the leaders of the seminar.

Leaders of the seminar gentlemen Marcel Broekhoven and Harry Gundlach.

Seminar attendees (left to right): E.V. Abramova, V.I. Radko, the chief of accreditation department of NAAU certification bodies S.G. Martsinchik, the chief auditor S.A. Shmakov.

The seminar was successfully completed!

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